What colour is yours?
I noticed something very odd today.
My PowerShell console thinks that the default white text is actually “DarkYellow.”
If I set it to “White” there is no visible difference.
What colour is your default console?
Update: I’ve found a use for “darkyellow” being white. When you run something like findstr bla *.*
the filename match is brighter, and so becomes “yellow” and stands out nicely.
ConsistentlyWeirdly, in CMD.exe, color 6
(dark yellow) actually is dark yellow.
Lastly, why is the default background’s “darkmagenta” actually a somewhat de-saturated dark blue?
DarkYellow, of course.
DarkYellow, with a hint of blinding white.
This is a weirdness in the .NET APIs for ConsoleColor. For example, try [Console]::ForegroundColor