Script Updates
After receiving feedback from a few people (thanks!), I’ve updated two of the scripts posted here previously. Convert images to text (ASCII art) This had a problem where a division by zero error would occur if the specified image file wasn’t fully qualified. Fixed script is here: convert-image2text.ps1. Console screen…
Convert images to text (ASCII art)
Recently, whilst messing with sprites and the Grrr framework, I got thinking about better graphics for games. As PowerShell is very slow at doing console atomic write operations, a game should really have fewer, larger sprites. I then thought about ASCII art, and wouldn’t it be great if PowerShell could…
Console screen grabs in html
[Updated 25 Jan 2007, well rewritten 🙂 ] Something I find myself doing a lot is getting a screen shot of a PowerShell console window and posting it some place. Unfortunately, its always a bitmap, and occasionally, I want it as formatted text. Now, the console is readable via $host.ui.rawui.GetBufferContents,…
Some time ago, I wrote a Sudoku solver in Java, along with an editor, interactive hint mode, puzzle generator etc, but the project never got finished because of feature creep and I generally got a bit bored of it all. This morning, I resurrected the project and implemented the solver…
Despite the title, this is not a rant 🙂 Grrr is a pet project of mine that came after the exploratory work with psinvaders. I was somewhat dissatisfied with myself for doing so much without seeing how else it could be done, especially with respect to drawing of images, animation,…
Space Invaders
In a previous post I said that I always like to try to write space invaders in every language that I learn. Well, PowerShell in the standard Windows console window looked like a great candidate so I set about the task in my spare time. My colleagues Richy King, Nik…