Google bullying, new style
So I ended this blog some time ago (August 2007), but, being the WWW, thought it would be nice to keep it out there in case anyone was interested. However, Google has decided that it would be downgraded in rankings because of its presentation. Now reactive, responsive web design was…
Grrr source code, including Invaders
As you may have noticed, there has been very little activity here from me in recent months. This is partly because my full time work does not use nor need PowerShell and my free time has become more precious. Playing with PS1 has been fun and I’ve learned a lot,…
Grrr 1.1 and Big Invaders
So I’ve been spending a bit of time getting to grips with Cmdlets and resurrecting interest in PSInvaders using Grrr and now have something to post. Grrr 1.1 is now Cmdlet based and comes as a Snap-In. The most obvious benefit from this is performance, as I can now present…
Grrr, Cmdlets and PSInvaders revival
Still not much happening here, again partly due to being busy with other things, and also the final arrival of my Wii. Anyways, I’ve almost completed the transition of Grrr to Cmdlets and it’s looking very promising as this screen shot shows (I get 50fps with only 20% cpu load…
Slow week
Not much happening here on the blog this week as I’ve been a bit busy with other things and also on some non-trivial PowerShell projects: A snap-in version of Grrr – I realised that PowerShell alone is just too slow for it to be useful, so thought I’d have a…
Updated get-bufferhtml
A while back, I posted an article: Console screen grabs in html. I fixed some bugs and added a couple of new features to the script get-bufferhtml.ps1, and have updated the article with examples. Enjoy!
Moving to WordPress
I’ve been having problems with RapidWeaver as my blogging software, not limited to RSS links being broken, and no previous/next links for the blog, so I’ve decided to move it to WordPress. It looks like it’s all ok now, but if you see anything broken, please let me know. The…
Happy New Year
Just over half a day left of 2006 here in London, the weather is cold, windy and wet, the coffee is on, and I write my first post! I’ve been using PowerShell (abbreviated to PS1 from now on) since it was RTW (released to web) some time at the end…